Conquer the Galaxy

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Conquer the Galaxy | popis hry

Conquer the Galaxy
Nothing goes right in space! The number of extraterrestrials is growing dramatically, and they are now starting to fight for every inch of territory. Their plan is to steal yours. Don't let them do it! Increase your population and try to invade enemy planets. Increase your power and try to conquer their territory!

You must invade all planets. To conquer a planet send enough units to it. Once conquered it will start generate units for you (bigger is the planet, faster it produces). To send units, first select the "departure" planet by clicking/touching it; then hold your finger until the amount of units you want to send; then click on your target. A quick way to select some troops from all planets is to double-click/touch any of your planets. Make sure to always have enough units to defend your bases.
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