Phase 10

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Phase 10 | popis hry

Phase 10
Finish a Phase in the newest rummy inspired game from the creators of the UNO! Mobile app. It is the competition which has brought friends and families together for over 30 years. Now, it can take you around the world!Race to complete each “Phase” and stay ahead. Every Phase has its own sets of cards to collect. When you have your sets, throw them down for everyone to see. The Phase is finished!

When a player empties his hands, the round will end. Each player that finishes their phase will move on to the next phase.The game ends when one player empties their hand after any player finishes their last phase. The player who both finish their last phase and empty their hand is the winner. Other players are ranked by the number of completed phases. Two players on the same phase are ranked by their score. The lower score wins.
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