Momo Horror Story

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Momo Horror Story | popis hry

Momo Horror Story
Momo is a horror game based on the history of the message user "momo". In the game, you will be a guy that contacts momo by message, and now he will be pursued by the monster of momo. You will have to complete some tasks before get rescued, like turn on the generator, find some keys, close windows etc...The objetive is to survive until the timer reachs 00:00 then, the police will arrive and you would able to escape. There are two modes in game, Classic and Gun mode.

W A S D to walk around Mouse to Look around Left Mouse Button to Attack Right Mouse Button to Switch Flashlight and Aim Mouse Wheel To Change Weapons G for Grenades R to Reload F to Interact Left Shift to Run Left CTRL to Crouch V to Melee Space to Jump
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